Monday, July 21, 2008

well, hello mister turtle.

In my opinion, a turtle is the smartest and most unique creation. he protects himself with himself, a splendid defense mechanism.

Hiding; within my shell.
Scared to take a chance, far from brave.

Lately, they've all been telling me, "it's okay to take a chance.." - "don't stand in the way of your own happiness" - "be free.." Well, I've done that before and it took me about four months to stop crying myself to sleep and almost a year to get over him. Mending a broken heart is left up to its owner, so it's easy for people to say, "take a chance". I'm debating on sticking my head out, love is a risk. Don't get it twisted, I'm not out for that, but fondness is a gateway to love and, I honestly don't know if that's where I want to be.

I vowed to never again be that love-drunk-starry eyed- chump.

Could that vow cause me something nice?

Erykah Badu says, "think twice before we start something nice"

1 comment:

D. said...

don't stand in the way of it..

just don't open yourself up to the point someone can walk through the doors that you've opened.

Heart Break is inevitable. It is going to happen, that means that we are human [advice from Mommy]

Don't be so hard..

Damnit you're a effin girl lol